Author: Petrine TX

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” - from the Persian Wars by Herodotus

More than 99% of all packages that leaves Saigon Drugs is sent via USPS. Service was nearly flawless until a couple of months ago when the goddamn Prez pushed for Louis DeJoy to be the Postmaster General (DeJoy was unanimously voted into the position by the USPS Board of Governors). DeJoy and his wife own millions of dollars of assets in logistics and courier services such as XPO Logistics, J.B. Hunt, and UPS, by the way.

DeJoy is obviously doing a terrible job as y'all have probably seen the delivery times for your Saigon Drugs orders have been all fucked up. Don't just listen to just me, though. There are actual USPS employees talking about how medicine is being delivered late due to these new changes. Even DeJoy himself admitted that his policies are fucking everything up. Decisions DeJoy implemented include removing mailroom equipment that sped up sorting so now mail is literally piling up in post offices in a bottleneck when they would have been delivered that same day.

It's pretty obvious that DeJoy's reign of terror is in a tailspin and, if things continue like this, it probably won't be long before people hit the streets because their friends and family die from late medicine shipments or their ballots, checks, tax papers, passports, and other important shit don't show up in their mailboxes. LUCKILY we can help speed up the process of getting DeJoy out of the fucking Postmaster General seat with a few simple steps.

1. The easiest is to buy stamps from the USPS website. I've talked about this before. The USPS receives no tax dollars and sustains itself by selling goods and services, such as postage stamps. They all sell clothes and toys. If you're into doing graffiti on miniatures for your Tech Deck setup, they have scale model mailboxes and and box trucks for sale.

2. Talk to your senators. They can advise the President and USPS Board of Governors on who the Postmaster General should be. You can use this form from the American Postal Workers Union to plug in your info and they'll tell you who to call. However, the bastards are on recess right now until September so this might not be the most effective way to get your voice heard so feel free to TWEET THE SHIT OUT OF THEM and BOMBARD THEIR FACEBOOK PAGES telling them how much they suck if they don't support a halfway decent person for the position.

3. Go to DeJoy's house and let him know that we all know where he lives and what he's doing.

4. Tell the USPS Board of Governors that we know they have the power to remove DeJoy and if they don't, what's happening to DeJoy right now will happen to them. (The USPS Board of Governors are a bunch of old white guys, by the way.)

On a more lighthearted note, the underdog song of the blog post is "Most Beautiful Criminal" by Discount.



Alison Mosshart is most well-known as one-half of the Kills and a member of the Dead Weather, but she started her music career in high school as the lead singer of Discount. Discount were a huge part of the Florida scene in the early 90s and they shared local stages with the likes of Hot Water Music (who they also toured Europe with) and As Friends Rust (who they also have a split with released by Good Life Recordings).  Discount weren't predictable or simple, but they maintained a huge amount of melody and catchiness within their complexities. They didn't follow any particular punk formula and they sounded unlike any other Florida punk band from the 90s. Their albums "Crash Diagnostic" and "Half Fiction" still hold up. The track above, "Most Beautiful Criminal", is one of their few acoustic songs and has a criminally low 295 views.

Use the code CRIMINAL for 10% off your entire Saigon Drugs order until August 23, 2020.

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